best pro
  • North Carolina and South Carolina , United States
  • Monday - Saturday08 AM - 06 PM

  • 1 (704) 746-9202

When to Call BestPro's Refrigerator Repair Service?


Refrigerator Not Cooling: If after adjusting the thermostat and giving the condenser coils a good clean, your refrigerator still isn't cool, BestPro will step in to bring back the chill.


Excessive Frost or Ice Buildup: When defrosting and door checks don't resolve the frosty buildup, let BestPro tackle the underlying defrosting component issues.


Water Leakage Inside or Around the Fridge:  If double-checking water lines and clearing drains doesn't stop the leaks, BestPro is equipped to find and fix the leaky culprit.


Noisy Refrigerator: When minor adjustments and checking fans don't quiet things down, BestPro will help you restore the peace and quiet.


Fridge Runs Constantly:  If even after coil cleaning and door seal inspections your fridge can't catch a break, BestPro will find the reason why.


Fridge Odors: When cleaning and odor remedies don't freshen things up, it's time to let BestPro sniff out the problem.


Ice Maker Not Working: If water supply checks and temperature adjustments don't get the cubes rolling, BestPro will help ensure your drinks stay frosty.



Enroll Today and Get Help Instantly

At BestPro, we know just how crucial your refrigerator is in your daily routine. That's why our Refrigerator Repair Service is dedicated to fixing any issues quickly, so you can get back to enjoying fresh food without a hassle. Our team consists of skilled technicians who work efficiently, we offer clear pricing, and our response time is same-day. If your fridge isn't working right, simply reach out to BestPro.