best pro
  • North Carolina and South Carolina , United States
  • Monday - Saturday08 AM - 06 PM

  • 1 (704) 746-9202

Services Washer & Dryer

Talk to Expert: 1 (704) 746-9202
Washer & Dryer

When to Call BestPro's Washer and Dryer Repair Service?


Dryer Not Starting: It might be due to a compromised power supply, malfunctioning door switch, or a blown thermal fuse. Instead of guessing, let BestPro's experts accurately diagnose and fix the problem.


Dryer Not Heating: Is it a broken heating element or a malfunctioning thermostat? Our trained technicians will pinpoint the root cause and get your dryer back to warming your clothes perfectly.


Dryer Takes Longer to Dry: Blockages or a faulty thermostat can be tricky. We ensure a quick resolution, making your dryer as efficient as new.


Washer Not Starting: Power, door issues, or water supply could be the culprits. Save time and energy, let BestPro get your washer running smoothly.


Noisy Washer: From loose items to drum issues, our team quietens those ruckuses and restores peace in your laundry room.


Leaking Washer: BestPro assesses expertly and rectify any leaks, ensuring no more water wastage or messes.


Washer Not Draining: Blockages or mechanical faults? Our technicians will ensure efficient draining every wash cycle.


Clothes Stay Dirty or Soapy: BestPro will optimize your washer's performance, delivering spotless and soap-free clothes after each cycle.


Washer Over-vibrates: Rely on BestPro to keep your machine steady, promoting a longer lifespan and consistent washing results.


Washer Not Spinning: BestPro will get that spin back in action, so your clothes emerge almost dry and primed for a brief stint in the dryer.


Unpleasant Odors: Let BestPro give your washer a fresh start, advising on maintenance and providing expert cleaning.


Washer Not Filling: Water issues can be complex. BestPro will ensure consistent filling for perfect washes every time.


Enroll Today and Get Help Instantly

Facing issues with your washer & dryer? BestPro offers fast, reliable, and wallet-friendly repair services. With our seasoned technicians, immediate responses, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, we're your go-to choice. Ensure clean clothes and economical solutions — discover the BestPro advantage by reaching out to us today.